Friday, June 18, 2010


I'm back with a lazy post. This Sealings tape was by far my favorite thing I downloaded from Terminal Escape, which is perhaps the best blog on the interwebs. Here I will lazily cut and paste The Wizard's writing on this amazing, mysterious band from the UK...

"Here's some pretentious arty shit that some of you will hate. Of course, some of you will also love it. The first track, "My Boyfriend's Dead," is a dark synth-drenched dirge that reminds me of early SUICIDE with a modern COLD CAVE-esque touch, it's by far the best track on the tape. "Atomised" is more of a straight rock number, and serves primarily as a segueway into the second side which is more along the lines of the first track, but trade the COLD CAVE reference for early JESUS AND MARY CHAIN. Yeah, I know...I'm not punk at all. Oops."


  1. yesss, love when you post stuff from the post punk/ goth side of the spectrum. Great stuff.

  2. Reminds me of Blank Dogs, good stuff. (jon hordes)

  3. this is great, fangs!

  4. thanks for the plug dude.
    there's another split tape I have headed my may in the mail...I hope it's as good as this one and that they haven't discovered how to make themselves be bad by being 'better.'
    we will see....

  5. If it's the split with Lois Magic it is a CDR and it is quite good.

  6. fortunately (for me) they made it in cassette form as well, and indeed it is quite good.

  7. I can't get enough of the A side on this. I've always had a bit of the goth tucked away inside. I get My Boyfriend's Dead stuck in my head, but I can't figure out what this mumbley British dude is saying. I thought it was, "When I let my mother down", but that ain't right. Oh, well, I'll have to listen to it another ten or so times tonight to figure it out. Thanks, duder.
