Monday, July 26, 2010

Crud Wizard

Here's a shameless plug. Ezra, my nine year old son now has his own blog, CRUD WIZARD. I am helping him with the back end layout stuff but the writing and content is 100% his own choosing. You might want to start following it now, it shows promise. Yeah, I know I am biased. Support young writers!!!


  1. HELL YEAH!!! I'm totally gonna tell my kids that I was one of the first to follow the CRUD WIZARD blog back in the day. GO EZRA!!

  2. Just went over and clicked the "follow" button on it. Loved the post about his favorite album covers, so am looking forward to reading more.

  3. "My favorite band is Iron Maiden and I hate Reagan, and hippies, and Jesus."

    Raising him right.

  4. I'm a 39 year old metalhead lawyer and believe me, this kid writes like a lawyer. Love that I've looked at the Unleashed in the East cover a thousand times and never thought of it as steam until Ezra pointed that out. Thanks man, hope to see you in the courtroom.

  5. Crud Wizard just put a smile on my face!!!! It is true Judas Priests clothes are weird.

  6. He's only 9 years old and he's already familiar with Dissection. I wish I had a son like that.

  7. For a second I was very jazzed to hear a band called Crud Wizard but this is pretty cool too.

  8. i'm a follower of the mighty CRUD WIZARD!great blog,ezra,keep it up little dude!

  9. Shit, he already writes better than me!

  10. Your offspring is showing you up. Is that why you don't you have his blog linked in your "Comrades" blogroll section?

  11. This is literally the most awesome blog on the internet. ever.
