Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Inmitten Des Waldes vs. Mortualia

Not so much a bout but rather a sad-off between two Black Metal bands favoring a more sorrowful and somnambulant style of kvlt and nekro. Already I come into this with a serious bias, Inmitten Des Waldes is the work of N. Schner (Valium, Namelezz Projekt,) who I believe to be one of the more interesting characters in the South American scene. However Mortualia's Shatraug is no slouch. With an impressive resume including Horna, Sargeist, and Behexen (among others), I was eager to hear Mortualia. Inmitten Des Waldes start off with a fluttering melancholic piano intro and then lurch into the track "Supreme Tragedy of All the Times." The band follows a more crawling Burzum approach, not terribly unlike fellow countryman and Hearse favorite, Draugurz. Mortualia also prefer the more lethargic tempos, but while Inmitten are depressed and forlorn, Mortualia is just plain snapped. Weird desperate shreiks over menacing, meandering riffs. This one is almost too close to call, both bands are simply mesmerizing, but I might have to give it to Mortualia for their closing track "Paine Sortie..." which makes me want to cut my wrists in a bath tub full of breast milk.


  1. Thanks for sharing! You've got a great blog which I've enjoyed for a good time..Greetings from Denmark.

  2. Aesop-
    Once again I have to combine gratatude to you for posting such great obscure stuff with whiny bitching on my part. What is the name of the album/file? I hate it when I have to go 'hunting' for something on my hard drive once I have downloaded and unzipped. Your well-written description reaaly makes me want to hear it!

    -the anonymous jew, at the moment a bit frustrated too

  3. okay, I got it. The files were under the two different bands' names. I will spend the day listening...thanks again, aesop.


  4. Why not set your preferences to dump all downloads into one folder on your desktop?

  5. Thanks- this is killer- complements rainy Mexico City afternoon perfectly.

  6. Dude's name is Shatraug, not "Shargat".

  7. Correct, Anonymous. Had my minor LOTR characters mixed up. Noted and Fixed.

  8. nice and twisted.. thank you
