Friday, July 16, 2010

Lost In Shadows

So many great albums featured here on the Hearse with pictures of castles on the sleeve. What is it about an image of a medieval fortified structure that is so appealing? Anyhoo, this obscure gem comes courtesy of Morgul and their castle, located deep in Østfold, Norway and 1997. For me, this is the time when Norwegian Black Metal was at it's creative peak, before Covenant became Kovenant and the scene lost it's direction, and before every ugly teenager had Garageband. Lost In The Shadows Grey may pale in comparison to albums released by Satyricon, Enslaved and Gorgoroth at the same time, but it is still an impressive time stamp of Black Metal with enough atmosphere and great melodic riffing to satisfy.


  1. Give me classical guitar interludes and I'm sold everytime. Glad to see you show this some love.

  2. remins me of time spent reading LARM more than anything else.

  3. I also feel '94-'97 had some of the best stuff from Norway (Kvist, Ved Buens Ende, Ulver, etc.) JWW actually recommended Kvist to me years ago. I'm looking forward to this. Love the blog, thanks!

  4. Has anyone ever noticed that some black metal bands sound like they're made up of much nerdier goth kids? This does. I like it. Just curious if anyone else has ever made that connection

  5. Completely epic and totally awesome. You can't beat a song called "River of Princess" - I am the wolves in da niiight! Yet I am nothiiing!!! I think that's what he's saying. And I love it.

  6. Ah! black metal is my favorite subgenre of metal the low def stuff is always better sounding... in my opinon
