Monday, July 19, 2010

Tableau of a Lithotomy

Sort of like Carcass without guitars, drums, bass, or growled vocals. This gatefold 7" was manufactured in the '60s by the Norgine Pharmaceutical Company to promote some sort of bladder medicine that probably later was revealed to cause babies to be born with flippers or something. Brutal.


  1. oh ya i got this off of the wfmu 365. so good.
    your blog rules.

  2. Granted, it's not an audio book, but could make for interesting listening on a long drive!

  3. This is incredibly disturbing. Thanks!

  4. I challenge you to post a record that is more disturbing than this, Aesop. I fucking challenge you.

  5. I just came across your blog and immediately can tell I'm going to spend a while looking through your posts. I love this description and am currently downloading the record. I eagerly await more posts and can't wait to dig through the old ones. Thanks!

  6. I was compelled to download this based off your description alone. so fucking awesome.

  7. Thanks. This also needs to be heard by lots of people:
    Recordings of intestinal disruption, renamed & reissued by Matt Wand of Stock, Hausen & Walkman.

  8. Whoa...okay so I'm almost certain that the second track is a recording of French baroque composer Marin Marais' "Tableau de l'opération de la taille" but with a narrator reading the score's annotations. Fucked. Up.

  9. Frito Pendejo EsquireAugust 3, 2010 at 1:25 PM

    I'm gonna listen to this while watching the batin' channel and punch the clown!

  10. if you want to be spooked some more, the writing on the cover exactly matches this post on google reader.
