Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Brigade Internationale

The French synth-wave lust continues here on the Hearse. Brigade Internationale were a rather sullen bunch of art students who managed to release this one and only cassette, Regard Extreme, before disappearing into obsolescence like the keyboards and samplers used to make this recording. Now that cold wave is all cool again, maybe this will resurface as a reissue, but until that day comes you will have to settle for these tiny shrunken digital files.


  1. This stuff is downright creepy. An excellent find--thanks!

  2. Thanks, I have really gotten into the Bippp stuff this week. I've kinda burned out on Heavy Metal, at least the amount I normally l take it and not permanently. I'm working nights and something other than relentless shredding is required.

    I also find that I can keep people from asking to hear topical pop-party bullshit if I play this and some of the African stuff, when I have quests over. I just downloaded The Witch-Lazy Bones and Question Mark, also. It's great stuff, thanks again.

  3. Your post was the reason I bought BIPPP on vinyl. Thanks. I'm loving it.

  4. You're the best! Thanks for this!

  5. Some of this kind of reminds me of The Cure circa Seventeen Seconds to Pornography mixed with early Depeche Mode and DEath In June. Interesting stuff.

  6. The Desert of Torture, new favorite song! Thanks!

  7. this has been re-ished, albeit in a miniscule wax press (500 copies) on a greek label last year...

    nice blog! bookmarked fo' sho'

