Friday, August 6, 2010


Coil's first album, Scatology, was my introduction to the seminal electro-cult genius of this important band. To this day it remains the one item in their vast catalogue that I return to most frequently. I always imagine Scatology as a building standing alone in a desolate dreamscape, each track is a room bearing its own atmosphere. To listen to the album is to methodically explore each room, and to be haunted by what may have occurred there in some not too distant past. One room is lonely, another full of anguish, others are bathed in blinding light, while some remain in an impenetrable darkness. Even stranger is the fact that even after 25 years the structure remains as haunting and bleak as it ever did. This record is the place I visit in my nightmares.


  1. Crowned in LaurelsAugust 6, 2010 at 1:33 AM

    awesome, this and "horse rotorvator" are classic albums!

  2. your description is beautiful. this is one of my favorite albums, and I actually experience it in almost the opposite way you do. my favorite tracks on scatology really give me the feeling of stepping into an ancient world where i feel more at home, into a dream rather than a nightmare. i guess its power to evoke such different emotional reactions is what makes it amazing art.

  3. Such a great album. I'd only heard bits and pieces of this before, and as a whole it works even better.

  4. looking forward to this. also, i gotta tell you, ive listened to nothing but the song Polaroid/Roman/Photo for days now. just that track, literally for days

  5. synchronicity pt.2. an hour ago, I thought - hell, I've hardly heard anything pre-90 by them British assmasters. "never mind, I'll watch a few youtube clips to satisfy my money-less urge". enter my favourite music blog (yes, really), and whoop-de-do, what have we here? COIL!

  6. Loved your write-up for this. Coil will always have a special place in my heart.

  7. i don't have this - many thanks!

  8. Coil ; the most amzing group in the history of musick. Everything they touched was gold.
    Even their assholes.

  9. not bad for a bunch of fags :)

  10. COIL recorded deep and amazing music. All ass jokes aside. Wish more of their discography was easier to track down.

  11. I remember picking up Unnatural History as a teenager because of the cover art and taking it home and being thoroughly distoibd. Thants, A!
