Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Stargazer vs. Invocation

Two magically odd and extremely kvlt Death Metal bands from down under do battle on this obscure split CD from 1999. First up is Stargazer, their attack is a relentless swarm of pestilential riffing. Invocation (who would later morph into Portal) counter with some excellent, mutant, mid-era Gorguts style death. Both bands kill, I am calling this one a draw, but the winner really is you the listener. This rules and the folks at Bird of Ill Omen just recently had the good sense to reissue this as a beautiful vinyl release.


  1. Damn, I haven't heard about this split in years, thanks! I gotta pick up that vinyl now...

  2. ^ yeah, same here. Excellent choice. Stargazer definitely had the better of Arghoslent on the split they did. The full length is cool but at times the convolutedness of the music gets incredibly annoying. I mean it drives me to sheer rage. Anyway.

    Incidentally, word verification is "caritud", which reminds me of RotD - not the most out of place band to bring up here I suppose.

  3. Stargazer, In honor of Jack Horkheimer's Passing. Right.

  4. excellent split, thanks for the post.

  5. cool
    very interested in hearing pre Portal stuff
    thank you

  6. Excellent post. Thanks!

  7. its a bloody shame Invocation never followed up with anything else apart from a few live shows, these days morbid is a junkie always hanging around at shows along with atleast 2 members of the final lineup.

    glad chris left when he did to restart portal

  8. this album is dope. would it be too much to ask for higher bit rate downloads?

  9. Kawana, we can't care about bit rates when we're updating daily. I apologize.

  10. Got this. Everyone else should get this. Here's to Aussie Rules Metal.

  11. Invocation is AMAZING. thanks for this gem!

  12. Aussies do it again!!!

    We're not bad for a bunch of convict scum.

    Just wish more of whats happening in the garages got out there.

    Cheers for this post.

  13. Perfect timing. Stargazer seem to just be getting their due, though I have yet to hear their newest.

    This is absolutely fantastic. I do have a strong preference for Stargazer's side, though.

  14. really fuckin' dig the ishtar gate album art. Ancient Babylon was easily the most magikal metal place ever.

  15. any way in a million years that ye can re-upload this treasure?

    much apprecialized.
