Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Revelation of Higher Mysteries

Deviser are a pretty odd, thrashy black metal band from Greece whose history can be traced back to 1988. This EP, The Revelation of Higher Mysteries was recorded and released in 1994. It has obvious production problems and a rickety performance, but still manages to capture a certain old school atmosphere and mystique that is nearly extinct in metal today. Deviser cram a lot into these three tracks, a scant nine and a half minutes, with secret rites, Lovecraftian horrors, gore, maggots, and a name drop to both Crowley and Manson. Excellent Hellenic kult weirdness.


  1. nice cover. and by nice I mean "jesus christ".

  2. Oh this sounds like what I need to be listening to right now.

  3. Three songs, I want more! The drum sound is still better than st. anger. Guitars and vocals are good. Production not so great on drums is only minus or negative.

  4. Found an Unspeakable Cults album by this band at Atilla the Hun blog page. Not sure if Cosmic blog admin is down with posting links so I will not.

  5. what's with the autographs? lol

  6. That cover is legendary. The first Deviser EP is also worth a listen, but I'd stop there.

  7. Keen to hear this, & not just because of the flying Barbies. Thanks.

  8. Flying barbies sounds like some kinda samurai weapon. i remember finding this in my fav old metal record store back in the mid 90s. sadly the autographs aren't part of the cover art - that would only add to the weirdness of this whole package. i remember not buying it thinking i'd see another.. I've never heard anything else these cats did, and i'd like to keep it that way - just makes them a lot more interesting. these TWO tunes(right?? and an intro??) are quite different from what i remember. the first one almost being like a rock tune with harsh black-ish vox and cool little harmonic lead guitar fills, and the second sounding almost.. Bulldozer-ish (first LP). haven't heard it though since i was a teenager sitting in a record store trying to hear it through shitty headphones over the Pantera blasting in the background. so my memory could be serving me incorrectly.

  9. i wonder which album title fonts they DIDNT approve of before they settled on the one they did?

  10. By the way, the flying barbies (there were only two of em in the early days) made their first appearance on Statue (Finnish thrash metal band) - "Comes To Life" LP. Just in case anyone wanted to know where they got their start..
