Wednesday, February 16, 2011

...And No One Else Wanted To Play

S.N.F.U.'s 1984 album ...And No One Else Wanted To Play explained in fifty words: People lose their minds, don't be sexist to waitresses, money is bullshit, chicks coming on too strong, cars kill, drinking is dumb, a restaurant serves humans, life is hard, plastic surgery is gross, grave digging is a job, there are bodies in the wall, you are lazy, suicidal failure, war sucks. On a side note: the band got in trouble for the unauthorized use of the cover photograph by the terminally depressed queen of "slumming it" for art, Diane Arbus. Apparently her surviving family weren't very happy either.


  1. a personal favorite!

    Such a Great record.

  2. You put it in a nutshell.
    Great band, handsome singer.
    Saw them two years ago with CH3, D.O.A., Dickies and Adolescents. They were the best of all dinosaurs that night.

  3. This record totally KILLS. I had always wondered about the cover change, so Thanks for telling me.

  4. The other cover kills it! The crazy illustration of the toys and the beheaded kid! Wow! I didn't realize there was another cover besides that one!

  5. Ahhhh yeah (like Chuck D)!!!!

  6. Always liked this cover better than the one that replaced it.

    Definite must-have, these guys put on a great show and both this and "If You Swear, You'll Catch No Fish" are absolute hardcore classics.

  7. This one never fails.

    "There's a fire at the end of the block !"

  8. Something Nobody Fucking Understands?
    Snot Nosed Fuck Ups?
    Open your mouth and say SNFU!

  9. Situation Normal (ALL) Fucked Up

    in an old Flipside interview, I remember them saying they excluded the "A" so that no one could draw a circle around it !

  10. They were voted best live band by Flipside in 1983? or so? ZGrew up in Alberta and saw them every timed they played til the 3rd lp and the wheels fell off. Them and Beyond Possession... never knew how good I had it.

  11. Have you seen the new documentary about Chi Pig? It is pretty fucked up but super good. Check it out, I think it is called 'Open Your Mouth and say Mr. Chi Pig'....

  12. so good to see this on here, SNFU was one of the first punk bands i ever got into, and i haven't heard this album in years. thanks so much!

  13. Some Name For Us? that was one I this band by the way...still have this record.
