Thursday, June 30, 2011

In The Maze of Kadath

Kadath is a giant castle where menacing gods reside. Mortals can not enter its gates, but Catacomb, an obscure Death Metal band from Toulon France, gained entry in 1993. The result was this obscure treasure of an EP titled In The Maze of Kadath. On that cold and misty day the Old Ones reveled in murky guitars, shredding solos, and guttural vocals belching forth lyrics singing their unholy praise.


  1. comp of their demo stuff out recently, I think.

  2. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

    Cthulhu fhtagn!

    Cthulhu fhtagn!

    Cthulhu fhtagn!

  3. Aw precambrian slime and tentacles just spewed forth from my speakers ... Ntharlop fignur

  4. they were not so obscure here in France, I remember being amazed by the color cover of their demo tape and their death metal was crude and efficient, while every band here back then was spitting on "strict" death metal bands... although they were playing the same way (not as good) few years ago...
    Lovecraft + old school death metal = super win.

  5. Hey bro, yaever listen to the Italian catacomb? I think they were around about the same time. Pretty good stuff if you like death doom, and some good proggy noodlin'. Anyway thanks for the download man.

  6. Cthulhu makes the dick grow harder.
