Sunday, June 12, 2011

R.I.P. Seth Putnam

I didn't always like you, but I always admired your bravery.


  1. Aesop Dekker has a blog

  2. and here I was being bummed about the two dudes from Old Skull...

  3. Your comment is gay. I'm gay and have a mustache. I always thought he would be shot or pummeled to death. R.I.P.

  4. HA-HA-Heart Attack

  5. Seth finally got deported.. A.C. just came through town a few weeks ago and he was drinking kamikazis'...thought that was funny,not such a manly drink...anyways was never a big fan( their song titles were funny.)... although I remember thinking that night A.C. doesn't sound so bad.

  6. They played at Churchill's in Miami a few years ago. Thirty minutes before AC went on he was swaying around covered in vomit. He fell face first and his head hit the floor with a nasty smack, a little puddle of blood formed! Moments later he was assisted on stage and performed the set in a chair, falling twice. Funny thing was, his vocals were flawless! I couldn't detect a single fuck up.

  7. Anal Cunt is cool. Poor bastards...

  8. Enjoy your second career as a mild trivia question and anti drug poster boy!

  9. I saw them play at CBGB's of all places... all of them in sweat pants and everyone was going crazy. Say what you will about the guy but he stood by his convictions to the end and I fully respect that. Plus anyone who wrote a song called "Grim and Frostbitten Gay Bar" gets my vote.

  10. as funny as some of his shit was,anybody whos down with vaginal jesus and all that shit deserves it. have fun bein fly food fuckface

  11. Thanks a lot, Aesop, now I've got to use a slightly different photo of Seth getting his dick sucked while shooting up for my memorial post. Maybe it's for the best...

  12. BEAVERBAG - Death Is Gay -A Tribute To Seth Putnam - over at:

    one of the 10 songs is titled ,"Leaving Comments About Seth Putnam's Death On The Internet Is Gay"

    -G O D

  13. When I think of Anal Cunt, I think of their 1995 show at Emo's in which Seth managed to knock the guitarist out cold in the first minute of the set, then threw a pitcher of beer across the room and hit a staffer in the head. He ended up having to forfeit the band's pay (to cover the cost of the guy going to the hospital) in order to avoid being charged with assault. I have always wondered how the guitarist felt when he woke up with a skull-frying headache only to be told he wasn't getting paid.

  14. The headband is the most offensive part of this photo.

  15. I kind of think that someone who fought against everything in such a hateful, funny and unmitigated style must be pretty deep, or not. G-A-Y

  16. homosexuals are gayJune 15, 2011 at 4:45 AM

    The GG Allin of grindcore. My fave was the Impaled Northern Moonforest track "Masturbating on the unholy inverted tracks of the grim and frostbitten necrobobsledders."

  17. Embalmer of the LightJune 23, 2011 at 12:49 AM

    I heard there is an unreleased song by A.C. titled "If you listen to Dizzy Bitch you're gay"

  18. This foto is POSER GAY FOTO,no doubt.

  19. Shit band. But I do like his Upsidedown Cross doom side-project with the great J Mascis. Worth checking out the S/T debut.
