Wednesday, June 8, 2011

War In a Babylon

Here's a rager of a Japanoise Hardcore EP from 1995. I don't know fuck all about this band. Blah blah, harsh, blah blah, feedback, violence...


  1. They were from Tsu City, Mie prefecture, which is in the central part of western Japan. Tsu's only claim to fame is it has the shortest name of any town in Japan. Mie had a pretty strong hardcore scene for a while. Blood Feast were on Discrete records and active in the mid to late '90s. Released a couple of 7-inches and a split with Poison Cola (not sure where they were from). I'm pretty sure they broke up a while ago, with none of the members going on to other bands. That's about it.

  2. wow...ya sold me on that lazy write-up

  3. Love this band! Just posted a 4 band,4 song comp that had them on it.Thanks for this post!
