Friday, July 15, 2011


From 1988 until 1997 Assuck were one of the greatest Grindcore bands on earth. Every fucking bit as important as Napalm Death or Terrorizer. Not an opinion but a fact. Deal with it, buddy.


  1. agreed. rob proctor is a genius and a real nice guy.

  2. They played a tiny cramped basement show in Seattle with Cap Casualties, the replacement singer, Spinach was still in the band, me and some other kids I never met before,held him up by his ankles while he sang and dudes were dancing hard all around him, didn't even seem phased.One of the top 3 shows I have ever seen in my life....

  3. You'll find no argument here. Much more likely to pull out any of Assuck's records over anything by Terrorizer or ND.

  4. post some Ima. I got a link if need be.

  5. when you're ready to fuck with punk rock kids, post anticapital/blindspot and point out the gigantic hard-on.

  6. I saw them play someone's front yard in Columbus,Ohio...people circle pitting on the grass and diving in the bushes...pretty funny,pretty punk.

  7. to me more important than ND or terrorizer or btruth. assuck and early ENT :).

  8. I was also at that Seattle show (at the Goat House). Easily one of the best shows of the 90s. I saw Cap Casualties and Assuck (with the Misery Index lineup) both a couple of other times after that, but they never were as good as that show.

  9. I missed them on their last tour in 98 and have lived in regret ever since.

  10. this shit is total ripper awesome radness. i remember peoples deal with this bands name,all pronouncing it "Uh-soook" or "A-suck" or something or other

  11. This is my favorite Assuck record. Can't ever fuck with Blindspot.

  12. me, 1997/98, 16 years old, smoking massive amounts of shitty weed, playing Zelda II, and playing Assuck over and over and over again. I don't know if I like them more than ND, but hoenstly, I reach for their recs a helluva lot more.

  13. i fucking love this record! i've been wearing out this 7" on a regular basis for the last 13 years!

    the blindspot encircles us all!

    my favorite part is when he sings "the backstreet butchers smile" at the end of infanticide!

  14. You could also say ass suck.

    Last tour was 1998? Hmm they must have played Minneapolis, but that year The Bombshelter had closed down (due to the riots).

  15. @Media: That's Chris Barnes delivering the last line on "Infanticide", would you believe.

  16. don't know a fucking single note of any Assuck. Never too late.

  17. Been meaning to try this band's wares. This seems like a nice place to begin.

    Cheers Aesop!

  18. saw these guys with Man Is The Bastard play one of the most amazing shows ever in a gutted trailer in the middle of a Bilouxi MS trailer park. The venue was called the Little House and I saw Hickey there once as well. Remember the place Aes?

    At that time (had to been 95-96) Assuck was my favorite band and they completely destroyed. I was 15 or 16 years old and I felt so punk and negative. I still do.

    to this day I wear an Assuck shirt at least once a week. No regrets.
