Thursday, July 21, 2011

Seven Doors

Melting people, a mysterious book, a gateway to hell, a blind ghost girl, spiders, zombies, and a happy ending. I don't know, sometimes I feel The Beyond is overrated (now you're mad,) but Fabio Frizzi's seedy soundtrack never seems so.


  1. Classic Frizzi sir! If you like this you might want to check out some of my own soundtrack based stuff. Give a listen at Cheers fella!

  2. Overrated? Pfft, I reckon it's the best of Fulci's gore cycle! (I'm not mad)

    Well done on your own cinematic endeavours too, that's some fine-ass illustration/animation!

  3. I was a little underwhelmed by The Beyond. I like Zombi 2 (Zombie in US), City of the Living Dead, and Don't Torture a Duckling better.

  4. I'd say a little overrated compared to some of Fulci's other movies, namely Don't Torture a Duckling and Zombi 2. It is definitely a top 10 when it comes to Italian horror, though.

  5. Zombie is definatley waay more overrated

  6. THE BEYOND is fun. All kinds of goofy, horrible things happen. Surreal.

  7. So Pete, you would put 3 of Fulci's films in the 10 horror movies of all time?

  8. Anyone remember The Slasher Film Festival Strategy? They were pretty good at this sort of thing.

  9. Dan, yes I would, with the Beyond sneaking into that tenth spot.

  10. I think if I were to make an Italian Horror best of list it would be dominated by Sergio Martino

  11. I was mad until you mentioned Sergio Martino. Now I'm at peace again. And on my way to see Deep Red on 35mm...
