Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sin and Mass

Eugene, Oregon isn't exactly a place you would equate with epic Heavy Metal. You might think of drum circles, smelly Anarchists, and Ken Kesey, but probably not the mustached metalions known as Lazarus Sin. Shame really because Intracranial Mass, the band's one and only release is a veritable treasure trove of steely, melodic, metal that deserves more attention. Perhaps the location or the Christian lyrics kept these guys out of the spotlight, who knows?


  1. description of the band is not what I expected given the first thing that went through my mind in seeing the cover was an old blog entry by JWW

  2. Holy brilliance, it amazes me that I've never heard of this album before. A new all time favorite album. Just when I think there is nothing else you could possibly have up your sleeve you bring out the ace. Thanks Aesop.

  3. Been meaning to hear this one for ages. Thanks.

    WordVeri: stypimp. *snort*

  4. We cannot stay on this earth, brudda; this is only our lifelong demise and, after death, we must be Divinely Judged: Heaven or Hell. All of U.S. You ready for that with our whorizontal, hypocritical ways? I'm not. Precisely why there'll be the Warning sent soon by God to repent and believe. You wanna join them in the Abyss o'Misery when a God who loves YOU to death is waiting for you with open arms??? Utter lunacy. Only 2 realms after death, no more, and 1 of ‘em ain’t too cool. There’s still time, brudda. God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL

  5. Sorry Kold Kadavr, but Warning was sent to us by the kind lads of The Miskatonic Foundation...

    @Cosmic Hearse
    Thanks for the file! Brilliant blog!!Definitely one of the best selections around...Cheers!!
