Thursday, December 15, 2011

Haus Music

As far as all these new fangled bands looking to Siouxsie and The Banshees, Bauhaus, and Joy Division, please consider The Vanishing. The San Francisco/Berlin band churned out creepy cantos of Deathrock's dusty past over a decade ago, and I think they were one of the best at it. In the Bathaus was the band's follow up to their strong debut titled Songs for Psychotic Children, and while I love that album, this EP feels deeper and darker. Absolutely mandatory.


  1. Listening to it now. You've been gold on many of the selections, and this one is no different.

  2. Awesome! Actually, I think this came out the year before SFPC, which I've got on CD, as well as Still Lifes Are Failing. Anyway, I don't have this so thanks a ton. How can you have such a wide breadth of influences yet maintain such good taste? Boggles the mind.

  3. Holy Fucking Shit this is good

    Thank You

  4. Vocals sound like white lung when they first drop. Another hot tip like heart of snow. Just another guy blowin smoke your way. Real nice dude. The new dead milkmen is OK.

  5. saw this band at a practice space/venue in olympia. were fantastic!

  6. Good call. Was very sad to see this band call it quits. What are they up to now? The singer had the stuff.

  7. Jessie Evans performs solo and it is quite excellent.
