Friday, May 16, 2008


Here's a rough and tumble primitive NWOBHM single from Speed, a band that featured a young punter from Sheffield by the name of Bruce Dickinson. I think Bruce only appears on the a-side, the peppy Man In The Street. The b-side, On The Road reminds me of the earliest Manilla Road recordings. Bruce left the band in 1978, I hear he did pretty well for himself in some other band.


  1. from the looks of it, the other band was Queen!

  2. Paul's the winner! Tennis-core, bro!

  3. The other band was Samson - where do I pick up my prize?

  4. True that Bruce was in Samson at the same time as Speed, but I was thinking of another band. Still, you do deserve some sort of reward for your efforts. From now on, Cosmic Hearse is free to you.

  5. Do you actually have this on vinyl? This has got to be the jankiest album cover I've EVER seen. And that's saying a lot.

  6. Oh, I wish I had the vinyl, and I assume that "janky" is some new slang the kids are using to decribe something that is perfect in every way.

  7. wow.
    i used to have this recorded on a tape.
    just wow.
