Monday, June 23, 2008

R.I.P. George Carlin

Sadly, we say goodbye to one of America's most brilliant comedic minds, George Carlin, THE only comedian who actually got funnier as he got older. Subversive, filthy, cynical, absurdist, and topical, Carlin did it all. This is truly sad, and though he wasn't a young guy, it is still quite devastating. Just about every American over the age of 30 has some Carlin bit they can quote, he was ubiquitous because he was so damn great. He will be missed, and I'm sure history will regard him as every bit as important an American Humorist as Mark Twain, Lenny Bruce, or Kurt Vonnegut, although I'm pretty certain Mark Twain never wrote any bits as funny as "Feminist Blowjob." I'm at a loss for words so I'll just give you what was perhaps his funniest album, Parental Advisory- Explicit Lyrics from 1990. Goodbye, George, we'll miss you.



  1. "rat shit ,bat shit , dirty old twat, 69 assholes tied in a knot, yayyyy, lizard shit , fuck"

    i wish i still had his 'Class Clown' album

    shit man, no wonder i turned out like i did, i was listening to shat album, wich i might add had the '7 words you can't say on tv'

    classic bit, classic artist, and a champion of free thinking

    he is missed, and i feel that his humor was is direct alignment with my twisted thinking.

  2. Fuckin' sucks... GC was definitely one of the good guys.

  3. when i was 19 my friend made me pick an old guy that i would do it with if the chance ever occured. i picked george carlin. she picked john fogerty. FUCK! now i'll never get my chance. :(... xo -doreen

  4. Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, CockSucker, MotherFucker, and Tits

    This news sucks. The Bill and Ted trilogoy can never be completed. I enjoyed his under-appreciated sitcom too.

  5. Damn, I somehow knew this would happen; never totally agreed with his apathetic world view,but damn he had charisma. Farewell kid.

  6. Okay, listening to feminist blowjob, I just feel slightly unnerved. I dunno..

  7. Sad so sad that theres people critical of his later years when his scathing and witty insites about the pathetic shit going on in america hit the mark.Either these people are tree stump dumb or in denial or just plain apathetic. Some boneheads call him a grouchy old man when the reality is that he was trying to wake up the pathetic self centered herds of sheeple to the fact that theres a lot to be worried about.Oh well, like most dim bulbs nothing matters until it affects them personaly.Selfish and ignorant are the masses.Pathetic.Long Live George!

  8. It's sad to hear that George Carlin died and is dead.
    However, he lived to be an old man. I think there's something comforting in that notion.
    My favorite album/special of his is You Are All Diseased. Begins with "fuck you" and ends with "there is no god". It is total. Where else do you go after that?

  9. Now he's up in heaven getting the piss whipped out of him by Lenny Bruce for stealing his act.

    Which is a reminder that we have neither of those people in our world now.

    The earth is an infinitely less funny place.

  10. 'Jesus was a faggot Jew' - lol - thanks for keepin' the spirit of this righteous man alive ~stu
