Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Dario Argento's most notorious work, Suspiria, isn't so much a horror movie as it is a kinetic painting slathered in blood reds, ghostly blues and nauseating greens. Every frame, every shot is a work of fine art worthy of any museum. The sets, the lighting, and of course the blood are candy for the eye. Add Goblin's funky, tense, and flat-out unnerving score and it becomes a feast for the senses, at least two of them anyways. It's enough to make you not care that the plot is a little trite and the acting is a bit stiff, and bear in mind, I am talking about one of my all-time favorite films. I'm sure most of you already know of Suspiria's many merits and few shortcomings, and are more than familiar with the absolutely psychotic soundtrack, but let's just assume for a minute that there are some people out there that have either just been born in the last couple of weeks, or have lived their whole lives with their heads in their asses.


  1. Awesome. Easily one of my favorite Argento scores.

  2. Great score.
    Probably Goblin's best work.
    The music meshes with the film in a way that their other scores can't quite touch.

  3. This is one of my FAVORITE soundtracks ever. Goblin were really at their best around this time.

    I love Suspiria and one of the coolest and weirdest aspects of it that has never been copied (as far as I know) is the way color and light is where the evil comes from, rather than darkness. This has something to do with the blind pianist getting killed but there's not enough time...

    Witch, witch, witch!!!

  4. I was wondering when you'd be throwing on some Goblin. This is definitely the right way to do it! I could watch and listen to this film everyday...

  5. Excellent film and soundtrack!

    They're remaking it, ya know.
    It's going incorporate elements of "cinema and fashion," they say. And video games. God help us.

  6. Rumor has it the the remake project was scrapped due to writers not being able to make it ADD enough for a younger generation. I, for one, hope it never sees the light of day. Hollywood, fuck!

  7. Yeah, the remake has been on hiatus for a while. I hope it never sees the light of day, either.

    This is a beautiful score for a wonderful film. I have the Japanese disk and give it a listen now and then. Always grabs me by the spine.

  8. Thanks for this. Great movie, great blog.

  9. Anybody knows the Morte Macabre - Symphonic Holocaust album?

  10. I'll be posting that one soon, great album.

  11. Love this record and this movie!
    Everyone needs to check out the Effigy live set at the end of the "Evil Fragments" CD that begins w/the theme from Suspiria. Gives me chills!

  12. Goblin is amazing. Thanks.
