Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Could it be the Reign In Blood of punk? I think so.


  1. One of favorite albums ever! It never ceases to amaze me how they added such vitality to a buncha riffs they stole from the Misfits' "Earth A.D." 12 minutes of disgusting bliss!

  2. oh neat, thanks. I've wanted to check this band out for a while.

  3. like Thee Pope, this is without question, one of my favorite albums ever too. totally unrelenting from start to finish. and the cover art is top fucking notch.

  4. Definitely one of the top punk records ever. And just like Slayer, they took a nose dive in the mid-90s and have yet to recover.

  5. i think i like thank heaven for little girls a bit more, but what the fuck, lets fuck!

  6. i got mine w/ the original pin....

  7. Blag lives in my neighborhood. Sometimes I see him getting coffee and I think about this album.

  8. I saw 'em on Friday night for the first time and man, did they kick some ass!

  9. Dahlia getting coffee makes me chuckle for some reason.

    I know I have this album somewhere. Someone may have ganked it from me.

    It's a good one, to be sure.
    The cover caught my eye (how could it not) in a now-defunct record store (RIP Desirable Discs chain). I sweat cold bullets while bringing the record up to the cashier (I was 16). For whatever reason, I didn't think he'd let me buy it. When he rang me up, he merely laughed and took my money. Who knows what that meant.

  10. I would soooooo do that chick in the foreground!

  11. Is the guy in the back from the movie "They call me Bruce" ?

  12. I saw them live in front of maybe 15 people and a crazy American who was cutting up himself really bad with broken glass before he started to stagedive whithout anybody catching him over and over again till he finally hit the floor so hard that felt unconscious! that was years ago but I'm still not sure who was more fun to watch...

  13. much like an old friend or relative, the time and distance between visits have no bearing once we start talking

    i saw them at the IBeam on the Haight w/ The Diesle Queens

    i dont remeber much becouse i was wasted
    but it was a punkfuckinrokin good time i'm sure

  14. Nano, I was at that show. Also wasted and probably underage.

  15. Ace, did you know that Hewhocannotbenamed lives in your neighborhood also? You may not recognize him cuz he's not wearing the mask and he has his pants on. when I lived on Fulton and Baker, I used to see him all the time doing his laundry or buying a 40 and used to chuckle to myself. Kyrsten used to openly call out "Hey Hewho!" when she saw him. hahaha
    - Danny B.

  16. Damm. We had these guys crash at our house after a show once. What a bunch.

  17. This is one of my favorite albums as well. I remember telling Blag how much I liked this and he said, "Yea, I think we got that rap song nailed." What the fuck?! What rap song? Why does Blag want to nail a rap song? I could be wrong about the song, but Blag said it about something. You know, he had the cops run away from him during a Penetration photo shoot. He was in this full body fish net stocking with nothing underneath and maybe a US flag? some cops pulled up and he was stoked; this is how I picture it: "This is GREAT! If we put our hands like this (bends over and puts hands on cop car) would you get out and frisk us? and we'll snap a few pictures? This is GREAT!!!!" and the cops drove off... I love this album.
