Sunday, November 16, 2008

Enlightened Interdependence Is The Key

Yeah, I know that every blog even remotely worth reading has done a post about Man Is The Bastard, but probably because they were so fucking great, so on their own trip, and so prolific. And some poor souls out there have never bothered to check them out. So with that in mind, I present the Man Is The Bastard D.I.Y.C.D.. It compiles some material from various out of print splits and EPs. It's a great catch-all release for the fans, and a great introduction for those who have yet to become fans. Of course I could spout on about there unflinching, uncompromising ideology regarding sexism, racism, classism, fascism, capitalism, veganism, animal liberationism, homophobism, multi-national corporationalism, and any other ism you can think of, but I think it's best to let the band yell in your ugly, stupid face for about seventy minutes. That should learn ya'.


  1. yeah, this is one band i go ape-shit over.
    ps They love HelloKitty, i often see the bass player Kenyan sporting HelloKitty paraphernalia.
    pps "Lets fucking go! Kick It!!

    ppps I will start posting again, maybe even tomorrow.

  2. Will there ever be anything else quite like MITB?

    I agree, this collection is probably the best place to start for the newbees (although it should probably be enjoyed in installments). I would also recommend finding live videos!


  3. Aunt Mary split rules. As does the Pink Flamingos split. Actually the whole damn collection kills. Never been too enthused about the noise on this cd, though.

  4. I absolutely love MITB. For the punks that "don't get it"; open your minds or something. Also, smoke volcanic dope and all that.

  5. There are many great things about MITB.
    Two that stand out to me:
    They absolutely crush and destroy!
    They can introduce the uninitiated to noise.

  6. Great. Fucking. Band. Is it true one of the members has a noise project called 'Bastard Noise' or something akin to that? Is that any good, any likeness to MITB?

  7. Yes, Bastard Noise is Eric of MITB. He also is playing with AMber Asulum I hear. There is also another MITB offshoot called Lux Nova Umbra Est or something of that nature.

  8. it's all about the elephant story they told at every show. remember? the trainer that would beat the elephant and one day the elephant got mad, kicked the guy over and CRUSHED HIS BACK!!!!!!

  9. Weird, first thing I did Sunday morning was pulling out this one... And then seeing you posted it here. Nice. I also read Eric Wood wants to use live instruments again (for the first time with Bastard Noise).

  10. I remember scowering for this at as many record stores as i could, until it finally got re-issued.

    good one

  11. Well, I was one of those unitiated, but not any longer. I've been curious about this band for a long time - thanks!

  12. just wanted this band to record something that sounded good. I love the DIY shit, but some clarity would be great. I know, I'm a cunt

  13. the band that made me want to play bass....seeing MITB live was truly a life-changing experience. Many props to the Kenyon/Wood low-end madness.

  14. THE ROLLER!!!!! even though that's not on here.....LET'S FUCKING GO!!!!!!!
