Saturday, December 20, 2008


The first half Oskal's demo, Stahlkrieg, is so muddy and obscure it resembles more of a power electronics noise project than a Russian Black Metal band. The second half of the tape has more structure but still suffers from poor production. The tape sounds as if it's eroding and there's a consistent buzz like a bad chord throughout. If you have been following this blog closely, you know that the worse the fidelity, the more I am likely to gush over it.


  1. hey, Im also from russia... Do you know, who the man behind this project??

    p.s. - Im also mixing BM with Power Electronics... But more in Nicole 12 way, you know...

  2. So, actually, how you manage to get this obscurity?

  3. Paul, as you probably already know. There are a number of greta torrent sites and blogs in Russian with lots of obscure Russian NS.

  4. Yeah, I know, but im not much into this stuff. Most of russian nsbm is just boring for me.
    Dont know, how its for non-russians. Maybe some kind of exotic like brazilian NSBM...

  5. This is okay, but I believe Branikald to be one of the most interesting black metal bands anywhere.

  6. But guys behind branikald just sooooo stupid - just most of activists of russian NS.
    But, if you just take the musical aspect of them - they're pretty intersting for lovers of "norse" sounding BM.
    Music is very often is way better, then musicians that playing it, heheheh...

  7. Yes, as unfortunate as their politics may be, The Blazebirth Hall bands make some of the most hypnotically beautiful bm there is . Though the last albums from Branikald and Forest were disappointing.

  8. this thing... it's odd. I can't actually decide if it's good odd or bad odd.. yet.

  9. absolutely great. thank you for sharing this bleak, hateful gem.
