Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dutch Hercules

Tesco Vee's Dutch Hercules, The Meatmen frontman's one-off solo album showcasing  his immense talent for vernacular and ten-fold hate. Tesco takes potshots at lesbians, televangelists, cock rock, rap and an old Sly and The Family Stone tune. Members of Minor Threat helped out too. You probably already know this one. 


  1. well its almost 8pm on sunday and not a single comment...I guess most people "didn't know this one".

  2. tesco vee is strange bird , but non the less entertaining,RnR juggernaut is a good one too,probabbly one of the smoothest sounding ones.All in all this is a good album.

  3. You cant lose with Tesco!

  4. Wine Wenches & Wheels stills rules!

  5. Tesco Vee is also a teacher, like Necroabyssious and Nocturno Culto.

  6. I'm gonna try it, but honestly, the cover scares me.

  7. Tesco used to have a really solid music blog, but I can't recall the name. I picked up some good stuff, much like here, though most of his stuff wasn't particularly obscure. Anyway, I vote for Tooling for Anus as his greatest moment.

  8. I still own this record that I bought when it first came out. I remember playing it on 11 in my dorm room at my all girls christian boarding school and dancing around. It really freaked out the other girls who were into shit like beach music. Perfect!

  9. Is this thee Squash I know and love?

  10. My first college roommate played this album regularly!
    Great memories...classy tunes : )

  11. I have to agree that 'wine, wenches and wheels' rulz! I used to listen to kxlu in L.A. as a kid in 8th and 9th grade with the headphones on from 10-12 Tues.(? I think it was Tues.) nights, to Adam Baum's Hardcore show. At the end of the 1st hr., would be the gratuitous 'metal' song highlighted and I still remember the night it was Tesco V. 'wine wenches and wheels'. Couldn't wait to get my grubby 13 year old hands on it! Gotta love: "Slamit into overdrive, keep balstin Iron Maiden live!"

  12. or you bought stud power cock like everyone else.
