Friday, January 16, 2009

Far Out

Far Out were an obscure Japanese prog/psych band that contained members of the better known Far East Family Band. Like many of these overlooked '70s outfits, Far Out only eked out one album. Released in 1973, Far Out's record is an expansive trip of post-Syd-era-Floyd worship that urges you to sink into a comfortable chair, your ceramic wizard shaped bong gur-gur- gurgling like a unicorn's heartbeat or a young girl's fever. Jesus, fuck, I'm high.


  1. for some reason its comforting to know youre under a green haze when you post these. like a bartender that'll take a shot with you.

  2. Mm. Its been a bit since we've used the ol' med. mary card. Probably for the best, I was getting a lil' foggy. Some day soon, though. And then I will enjoy this the way it was meant to be heard.

  3. Thanks for the post, i love this album, anything else you can reccomend in the same style?

  4. I would suggest you look into The Far East Family Band, Anders.

  5. cool, downloading now! ever read the "Japrock Sampler" book by Julian Cope, Aesop? Very informative, I must say... some really wild stories in there too.

  6. Just got to check this out. I love it. Would you say EGG is like this since I haven't heard them either?

    Thank you as always! -j

  7. Don't know EGG., but look into Fraction and Brush as well.

  8. fantasy is reality. NOW!
