Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Thanks to Ossi for finding this gem that has been on my wish list for some time now. Don't know shit about this band except that they appeared on the Noise Against The Machine compilation as well as the RRR 500 compilation of locked grooves This was released as a 7" with 88 songs in 1995. Power Violence, Grind, Noisecore, whatever you want to call it I don't give a fuck, and neither does this little blue record.


  1. They've (he?) have a few splits here and there. I believe Mikko Aspa was involved in this band.

    Am I wrong? (???)

  2. is this the legendary record where one of the band members is named Martin Luther King Diamond?

  3. can't wait to get home and grab this. thanks.

  4. Don't think this is an Aspa affair. But I don't know for sure.

  5. currently laughing at Martin Luther King Diamond

    you're looking for the actual, physical lock groove record, right?
    because I've got a digital copy of it

  6. I actually have 2 copies of the RRR 500 because I am nerd. I buy them when I see them and have given a few away.

  7. Yesmeansyes is "the most hated band in Findland" They consist of Mr. Kessi - vocals, J.K. - strings, Mr. Kojo - drums, & Mikko Aspa - other sounds. They have released music on Aspa's power electronics label Freak Animal Records. Supposedly they have a full length album set for release.

  8. Again, I am wrong. Aspa is a busy man.

  9. They have a split with WORLD, who are among the best noisecore bands ever IMO

  10. anyone like Minch?

  11. best noisecore EVER is seven minutes of nausea

    nothing comes close, sorry

  12. anon-I said "among the best" not THE best......
    Minch is great, at a show a few years ago some dude came up to me at my distro table and just handed me a stack of 7"s and told me to take them for my distro. Turned out to be Jim of Minch/Nunslaughter and included was the Minch/Mammaracho (or whatever) split. great band.

  13. thats ok, sorry, too much coffee.. i like WORLD too, sorry again.

    yeah, Minch is great, Pile of Eggs too.

    but 7mon's "thrashbora", fuck man.. unbelievable.

    noisecore is something that must be "well done" if you get what i mean, i fuckin' hate these bedroom drum machine crap with absolutely no criativity..

    you guys should seek out an old brazilian band called exterminio brutal, total annihilation to the ears.

  14. YMY also has a split 7" with Finnish hc/punk band Odeema.

  15. i have to make a comment to rep. cleveland/parma ohio here. crazy to see Mr.Jim Konya's name mentioned. i'll be sure to tell him about this when i see him. lovin the posts and the blog,

  16. I met Jim when Nunslaughter and my band did a few shows together some time ago. Tell him Aesop of Ludicra says "Hey"
