Monday, February 2, 2009


First off, that cover just sucks and it's a shame because this record certainly does not. Perhaps you saw Korova's A Kiss In The Charnel Fields (come to think of it, the title sucks too) at your favorite record store back in '95 when it came out and glossed over it because of that dumb art and that dumb logo. Now might be a great time to overlook those unfortunate details and become acquainted with what should have been hailed as a classic of avant garde Austrian Death/Black goodness. Herky jerky, carnival chaotic histrionics meet techy tacky fuck all metal. Seriously, grab this.


  1. That's some preposterously angular first-Atrocity-album-meets-Schoenberg's-nightmares outfreakage.

  2. Oh yeah, and the black metal boogie woogie was cool, too.

  3. Good record! This deserves to be spread around... thanks Aesop

  4. At fist glance i thought it said Krokus... Maybe that's why peoeple flipped past it at the record store.

  5. Yeah I *had* avoided this for these reasons back in 1995 (also some horrible interviews that perhaps I had misunderstood and weren't as horrible as I then thought didn't help). I gave this a few solid listens some months ago and whereas nothing stuck, I am compelled enough to listen to it more.

    There's a particular 'school' of HM music that occurred in Austria... lot's of Avant-Garde spanning from the neo-romantic to complete aural nihilism. Angizia, Dornenreich and Elend, even Mayfair come to mind. Atrocity are close as Steven said.

  6. this might take a few repeats. on first listen, the weak production and drum machine are a bit hard to ignore... wanting to like it tho. kinda like a BM version of Forgotten Silence or something...

  7. Not a drum machine. Just horrible production and a very disciplined, robotic drummer.

  8. Do these guys have any connection to Korovakill? I remember that Waterhells album being cool in a very strrrange way.

  9. Man, it's like Gorguts with a lil' corpsepaint and a fascination with both classical and carnie music. I really, really dig this.

  10. Yeah, it's good. I particularly liked the song with the piano. It's so refreshing to know that Black Metal people have keyboards with something other than a "spooky" setting.

  11. Your blog seems to indulge in a lot of "you probably avoided this because of it's terrible cover art/band name/reviews/etc, but you should really check this out considering it's now free of charge". :D

    Royal Oak, MI

  12. Pretty cool. Haven't heard any good circus metal in a while so thx for this...

  13. Thanks for sharing the schizophrenic, theatrical heaviness.

    This is somehow reminiscent of black metal, but also has aspects that remind me of some of the RIO bands from the 70's and 80's.

    I'm reminded a bit of the moodiness of Univers Zero if they decided to forgo the chamber music string arrangements in lieu of crispy Marshall amps and synths.

  14. crazy to find this record on here! aesop do you actually know moritz from dornenreich is playing drum on this one?!? ...they´ve been awesome live!!!!!!

  15. I found out when in Prague and got all starstruck. I have been a huge supporter of this album for a long time. Moritz claims he was 16 when they did this, it's so amazing.

  16. I just now finally dug back through this. THIS ALBUM. OH MY GOD. Seriously? Some of it is just plain off the rails, but most of it is pure genius. Growing on me, monstrous, insane.

    Damn! Thanks yet again Aesop...

  17. Damn, this ranks high among the discoveries I've been able to experience through the Cosmic Hearse. THANK YOU.
