Monday, February 16, 2009

Velvet Tinmine

The Velvet Tinmine compilation gives you some of the platform-shoed, shaggy-haired glitter rock hopefuls that never received the attention that The Sweet, Gary Glitter, or The Bay City Rollers got. Bands with such names as Iron Virgin, Crunch, Bearded Lady, and Tubthumper put forth their best boppy sing-a-long pop numbers with a kind of endearing pre-punk naiveté. I think many of these groups never released more than a single or two. Most of these bands sound very alike with a few subtle differences. Perhaps that is because I am so unfamiliar with the whole glitter rock scene, and while nothing here knocked me on my ass (the Stavely Makepeace track comes close,) as a total package Velvet Tinmine is a very fun listen.


  1. Same label did a comp called "Boobs: The Junkshop Glam Discotheque" that is well worth hearing. Thanks for posting this one, I've been unable to find a copy!

  2. Slippery Rock 70s is THE reason to get this comp.

    Everything on it is good, though.

    Same folks who make up Stavely Makepeace also recorded as Lieutenant Pigeon.

  3. "Another School Day" is my fave. I love cheesy shit like this.

  4. Been on a bit of a Sweet kick lately, so thanks for this...

  5. I am dying to hear this it looks like a cool comp !
    Thanks For Sharing !
    If you click on my blog I have put the Denim Novelty Rock album on there which is in a 70's groove especially the Robins Nest theme : )

    Cheers Jason

  6. This Rocks !!

    Do you mind if i post the link on my blog and give your blog a mention?

    Cheers Jason

  7. Of course I don't mind. Have at it.

  8. Many Thanks if there's anything off mine you want to use help yourself Many Thanks Jason

  9. terrible/awful cover "art" & terrific/awsome content (seen from a decent distance, of course)),

    one could only wish to get to hear that BOOB[IE]S comp as well..

  10. Someone rip The Boobies comp ie Glymn : )

  11. Brett Smiley, The Plod... almost everything on this comp' is beautyful. Many thanks.

  12. Thanks a lot for sharing this!

  13. Hearse, can you repost this? I'm wearin' my platform boots, got my Toni home perm, and a star glued to my face, but no hand claps, 'Hey, hey, heys!' or bricklayer boogie!


    Uncle Dirt
