Friday, March 6, 2009

New Blog Launched

So I had been neglecting Legacy Document (my other blog), and I felt it was kind of half-assed anyways so I have deleted it. However, I was fond of the Rorschach Tests so I have saved those to a new blog that will just be the Ink Blot test results of people I find to be interesting. The new blog is called Blot Und Eisen, and I urge you to check it out. Also if you know someone of note that you think might participate in this experiment please send them my way. Fuck, I still can't believe Fenriz did one, awesomeness.


  1. oh come on, LD could have been good. shouldnta killed it.

  2. It was growing weeds. I wasn't inspired. Besides anything I might have done in the future on it will probably appear on Shelby's Illogical Contraption Blog.

  3. yeah, i was wonderin what was up since u hadn't posted anything since Lux Interior had passed away

    the different interpretations of the same image is very interesting

    but i would like to see new images

  4. Definitely will use different blots in the future posts. Thanks, Nano.

  5. you should have dee do one. no,seriously.
    speaking of being uninspired, check out
    if you want ayds.

  6. Legacy was cool, too bad. The Rorschach tests are a great idea.

  7. Ill say there was weeds. It was like a god damn Bakersfield KB Toys...done for. Anyway, I never read the Watchmen, but I just saw the movie and it was good. Rorschach rules.
