Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Some serious downer metal from Boston's Druid. Excellent band name, totally enticing album title and cover, and a bludgeoning super-doom Iommi guitar tone, but the magick kind of ends there. Vampire Cult really could have been so much greater, but seems content to wallow in the shallow waters of lake mediocre. Definitely not horrible, but way short of the mark. I'm sure someone out there thinks these dudes were unheralded geniuses, most likely that someone was in the band.


  1. I dig the cover for some reason. Good coloring I guess.

  2. "to wallow in the shallow waters of lake mediocre.": wonderfully put! That's why I like this blog: I might not dig all the music, but the writing is brilliant.

  3. That album cover is a work of unheralded genius haha.

  4. I second or third the above comments!! That's one of the things that makes this blog so unique. Most bloggers don't give two shits about providing some useful commentary so one can decide whether of not the download is worth it. I did have an extra hard-drive installed just for music downloads, bit still, I don't want to make my slave drive work hard if he doesn't have to!
    To repeat myself, GREAT BLOG!!!
    If I had a good color printer I would definitely print out the Druid cover.

  5. Thanks. I try to do a little more than the average "here's some free music" blog.

  6. Aesop said...

    "Thanks. I try to do a little more than the average "here's some free music" blog."

    that's why I like this blog so much better than most other blogs that just post a list of links....cough*damaginnoise*cough.

  7. I found the waters of lake mediocre neither hot nor cold, thanks.

  8. Hey man you have some really great albums here on your blog! Just wondering if you would like to d a link exchange?

    My blog is: http://seeeingred.blogspot.com

    If you want to leave me a comment and i'll add ya to my list!

    -The Seeeing Red Blog Team.
