Saturday, April 25, 2009


Here's some deeply occult, ancient Black Metal from Poland. Infernum was mainly the work of twisted genius Grzegorz "Karcharoth" Jurgielewicz. On this, the first official Infernum release, 1994's...Taur-Nu-Fuin..., Karcharoth is joined by Graveland members Darken (credited here as Icaunis) and Capricornus, on keyboards and drums respectively. So it's really no surprise that Infernum sounds a great deal like Graveland from the same period. Infernum was eventually put to rest due to Karcharoth's severe mental illness, and in 2004 he took his own life.


  1. Capricornus???.....hee....hee....heee

  2. Not about Infernum, but it's a black metal question, so: can you recommend more stuff that sounds like Bilskirnir (primitive but melodic)? I downloaded Vorvater here and ganked a bunch of other Bilskirnir stuff elsewhere on the web, and something about the combination of epic Viking melodies and trashy lo-fi recording is really hitting my sweet spot. I'm not usually much of a BM fan (got the Burzum and Darkthrone records that everybody has, but that's about it), so I don't know where to start.

  3. thanks again for sharing all this with us. your taste in black metal is flawless.

  4. Is it wrong that I find Karcharoth's mental illness so funny?

    "...and then Karcharoth had the mental breakdown, the police started to invigilate us and our instincts of survival stopped us for a while and showed other ways…Karcharoth ended the relationship with us…changed his ideas and started to be keen on communism!!! His schizophrenia destroyed him. His trip to Norway in order to kill Fenriz is just one of the proofs of his sickness. The excuse for his plan to murder Fenriz was trivial. Karcharoth maintained that Fenriz has stolen him CD (he traded CDs with Fenriz and he sent CD to Fenriz and did not get any CD from him). So Karchaorth prepared for the trip of his life. He armed himself with axes, knives and chains, packed to his rucksack the most important zines, books and CDs with spiritual and ideological value…and he was ready to go."


  5. This should scratch a Graveland itch. Thanks!

  6. 10:30 pm at night here in Queensland, just worked a 12.5 hour shift at work and have downloaded and currently listening to this one.

    Strangely soporific droning BM.

  7. the cover looks like if there was a black metal garbage pail kid..

    thanx for posting this
