Monday, June 8, 2009

Is This My World?

In 1984 this record pretty much was my world. Jerry's Kids ruled. They came from Boston, they were ridiculously fast, and they weren't straight edge jocko retards. Seriously, Is This My World? is one of the greatest '80s hardcore LPs ever, but you chose to ignore it for whatever reason. Like Deicide's first album or Reign in Blood, this album always sounds as potent and delicious as it did upon my first listen, and for that reason still gets regular airplay at my house. I put this on and thrash around the house in an imaginary pit, my girlfriend quickly puts a coat on our son, and gets the fuck out of there, that is my world.


  1. OH!!!! I fucking LOVE the pit in your MIND!!! Years ago The Mother Lode went into some lovely old, as Jorjee called them, Punker-Dunker, tunes. There was no one there... I started thrashing a pit and Greg jumped in and Ben also threw his guitar down and jumped in and the drums and our imaginations and memories had us in there. Jorjee said, "That was cute, you guys pretending to be in a pit." Greg said, "You don't understand! We weren't pretending: in our minds we were in a pit with thousands of people." My friend Jan would kick us out of the office when certain songs came on and all you would hear inside was Bang! Bang! BAng! BAng! Bang! and then she'd let us in after the song was over and her mosh pit had subsided. (sigh) The Pit cured me of a deviated septum. (sigh -with love and appreciation). Haven't listened to this yet. Can't WAIT!!!!

  2. un jeu de pouvoir donc

  3. You know, you're right. I had only ever paid attention to "Kill Kill Kill" which is more "metal" sounding than this. I will now begin to pay attention to this record. Thanks!

  4. could not say it any better!

  5. Some of the BEST drumming on a hardcore record... hell, any kind of record... EVER!!!

  6. Ryan, it is a great performance but the best drumming on a HC album definitely must go to Helder for his work on "Screams From The Gutter" and "After Your Brain"

  7. This album is the definitive hardcore album for me. It never gets old.

  8. fucking classic. between this, cro-mags and circle jerks, i'm starting to think my musical taste peaked in jr. high.

  9. i have to agree, the drumming is awesome

  10. this and the tracks from "this is boston not LA"..

  11. Hi Aesop , do you have the Neanderthal/Rorschach split 7" from the dear jesus zine?

    If you need a good rip I'll make the time cos i m surprised it hasen't been 'hearsed yet?!?

  12. I'm calling you out, bro.
    When you say that you "thrash around the house until your GF and son are forced to flee", what you really mean is, "put on headphones and gently bob your head while stroking your chin and pensively pondering the vastness of the human condition".
    Don't lie, dude.

    Killer album, though.

  13. speaking of oldies, but goodies....any chance of posting The Stupids'"Peruvian Vacation" LP? I haven't heard that in years and remember it being very good.

  14. So I'll finally stop being a fuckwit and post a comment, because this lp fucking kills it. Was just listening to it yesterday on the way home from work. Skated many a ramp in the 80's with "Is This My World" blaring in the background. As always, great post. Got any JFA "We Know You Suck"

  15. Tim, a plethora of Stupidian frolic can be found here:


  16. this is fucking Great hardcore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    such a clever drummer!

  17. I only just now got around to listening to this LP

    very good listen
    good band

    obviously, I lack any history with this group
    so it has no nostalgic value for me

    everyone keeps mentioning the drummer
    and I have to agree
    this band has a good drummer
    other than decent tunes with strong, melodic chord progression, a band's greatest asset is it's drummer
    a drummer can make or break a band

  18. It's Brian Betzger. He had a finesse in his playing, that at those speeds, is pretty special. Very expressive playing. He went on to be in Gang Green.

  19. Not since the wacky hi jinks of AOD has my adrenal gland been so stimulated

  20. First off - I love this record as much as today as I did in the early 80's. When they floor it after the intro's in Cracks or Vietnam - I want to leap out of my chair. Lost is such a great song - showing how good they were at multiple tempos. great as the drummer was (especially the snare work)...he cheats the double-time on the ride on many parts of the record (i.e. :22 in No Time). I always wondered if it was intentional for effect, but it's punk rock and the mix wasn't clear enough to discern. Contrast :18 of Nothing Is Final by Poison Idea or :15 of Seein'You by RKL...was I missing something all these years due to the shitty, second gen copy of this record that I've had on a Type I regular bias cassette?

  21. Ah, Haizman. As a drummer I understand, but his single stroke snare rolls are so dynamic and bold it's okay if he gets a little tired once in a while.

  22. man who cares about cheating - he's winning !
    these are bad ass drumbz.

    go !
