Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Somberlain

Surely you don't need me to tell you that Dissection were one of the greatest bands to emerge from Sweden's fertile metal womb. You don't need me to tell you how the band came to a grinding halt during their creative peak due to mainman Jon Nodtveit's extracurricular activities, and subsequent jail sentence. You probably don't need me to tell you how he formed a new line up in 2004 and recorded a lame duck album that threatened to besmirch the Dissection legacy. And you probably don't need me to tell you how Jon ultimately blew his brains out for Satan in 2006. Maybe you needed me to share their awesome debut The Somberlain from 1993 when Dissection ruled the earth and you had no idea. Absolutely mandatory.


  1. This album is so epic.

  2. Great album, but SOTLB is so much better. This one has a lot of sappy moments. I wonder who stole JN's talent in prison.

  3. True Swedish BM classic, absolute masterpiece of melodic Black Metal.

  4. ahhh--yea. when i first heard this it was a full body chillllllllllllllllll of nyte

  5. I was listening to this one and Storm of the Light's Bane ALL DAY yesterday. Get out of my head, Aesop!

  6. I used to listen to this album and Storm of the Light's Bane when I delivered bread for a bakery at 3AM. Awesome music for driving around a deserted city.

  7. Must have indeed. I need someone to explain why tons of bands at that time used this blue/black vibe to the covers.

    The first time I saw this cover I thought "THEM"

  8. The cover is very King Diamond-esque. Everyone was using Necrolord and he loved blue.

  9. not ONE of the best. THE best!

  10. This record will "kick your balls off"...

  11. I always thought Sacramentum did the whole melodic black death thing a good deal better. Aesop, you're familiar with their "Far Away from the Sun" LP, right?

  12. Yeah I'm glad the Necrolord trend is over, heh.

    These guys were certainly accomplished, but something never gelled right for me. Neither here nor in Storm Over Lights' Bane. Hugely, extremely influential band, though.

  13. I have heard a bit of Sacramentum, but maybe I need to listen again.

  14. Thanks for this one. If you mention "sweden" and "metal" in one sentence, you've got my attention.

  15. Classic.
    Speaking of classics, may I make a request?
    I'd love to see Stone "Get Stoned" up here. I have the vinyl but my daily routine requires that I have the brilliance in digital format.
    Much obliged.

  16. Stone, Finnish thrash band, right?

  17. Ah, this album and SOTLB are definately in my top metal albums of all time. Lyrics are amazing as well...

  18. Dissection, my first real black/death metal love. I still associate this album with my best job ever, doing landscaping for a rich douchebag family. I dug big holes in the ground, drank beer in the garage, and listened to Dissection all day. Now I have a permanent connection between "Night's Blood" and planting rose bushes.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Oops. That comment should have been under the Raate post. This one is also amazing, but definitely does not ever sound like the Peni.
