Friday, July 24, 2009


Here's another rare Black Metal cassette for you. This one comes from Vazal, a rather furious band from Holland. This release, Chaos/Death is raw and primitive, but not in the Burzum sense. Nothing sad or pensive here, just unfettered hatred for all that is earthly and human. A sort of traditional approach that yields great results.


  1. Damn, this looks killer. Thanks to this blog I have a seemingly bottomless pit of black death for my listening pleasure.

  2. Not that I've heard every Bone Awl release, but I thin this is just as good as anything I've heard by them.......

  3. this one? it's pretty good. not as soul-shattering as stuff you've posted before, but there's only so much worthy black metal out there. thanks again for fattening up my mp3 player!

  4. I started 'following' this blog a while ago and forgot why. Now I know: without this blog, I'd never appreciate black metal on any level beyond the spectacle. I really appreciate what you do, even though I have no idea who you are. Thanks, Aesop!

  5. Thanks, Jon. I am who they say I am.

  6. I want that coat rack
