Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The End Of The World

Godkiller started as a fairly standard one man Black metal band, but by 1998 had morphed into something else entirely. The End of the World shows this Monaco entity doing a less aggressive Ceremony of Opposites-era Samael thing. This CD didn't leave my player for weeks when it was released.


  1. Industrial inflected BM with the balls to drop a harpsichord line two minutes into the album. Wow. Thanks for this.

  2. Good stuff, listend to it quite a bit when it was released too. However, as far I know, the guy's from Monaco, not Malta. A Black Metal album from Monaco... Back then we thought we had heard it all...

  3. A couple of boring question for you Aesop:

    When starting out on drums, which was more appealing - metal or punk?

    I've watched some Ludicra live on Youtube and seen that you're playing a single kick - how the fuck do you play that fast? What exercises do you do to keep your legs in shape?

  4. This calls for a road trip to Malta. Thanks!

  5. Hey man I have their album "Rebirth of the Middle Ages", Thanks for this, cant wait to check it out.

  6. @ Fausto, you are right. I fucked up.

    @ Sephim, my first band was a punk band called SLA, but my appreciation for metal has always been there in some capacity. I use a double pedal (iron cobra), and usually walk on my heels a bit before playing to avoid shin splints.

  7. Just through the first track, already a new favorite.

    Thanks dude

  8. This is great stuff, been listening to it all evening!

  9. Yes! This is amazing!

    I hope Ludicra (or Agalloch!) play NY again soon. I missed your show and am still sad.

  10. Great album. I had not thought about this one in a while. I would play this album quite a bit when it first came out. Definitely gave me a Samael vibe too, and that is why I loved it.

    Also wanted to say great blog! Your chronicling of Les Legiones Noir is awesome. It has got me into doing my own research on the group/bands.

    If you remember, tell Ross Sewage that Adam from Fog/Indianapolis says hello. Mention Vince Cook's friend if I don't ring a bell.

  11. Yeah nice stuff, "Rebirth.." was quite different but nice too.. Monaco was in, haha.

  12. I don't know how but I fell into this site a few weeks ago and I love it! Thank You
