Thursday, September 24, 2009


Primitive Peruvian Death Kult Mortuorio only released one great demo Cámara de Torturas in 1989. Unfortunately, soon after they broke up. Mainman Edgar Noize joined the ranks of the legendary Hadez, who were slated to release an album on Euronymous' Death Like Silence label. In 2005 the good (or totally fucking evil) folks at Austral Productions compiled every greasy, rotting piece of Mortuorio music they could find for this comprehensive release, also bearing the title, Cámara de Torturas. If you (like me) are forever fiending for the bludgeoning South American proto-death, then look no further. Mortuorio is here.


  1. Thanks for this, Aesop. Hey, did you like that Perversor record that came out earlier this year (Or maybe it was last year...)?

    I thought it was pretty good. Modern, but still heavily rooted in stuff like what you've posted here.


  3. I tried to get into this but it's too necro for me. I'm sure for some people that's a huge endorsement. I'd like to hear these tunes recorded properly, cuz they are extreme as shit for the day.

    And it's funny that guy mentioned Perversor, I was just listening to that yesterday. Cool album!

  4. Listened to Holocausto on the way to work, listened to this at work. I embrace proto-death.

  5. is it in fact Edgar NOISER ?
