Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Agony Bag

After the demise of British occult band, Black Widow, saxophone player Clive Jones formed Agony Bag, a shock rock/horror/glam-punk spectacle. Feelmazumba collects Agony Bag's various recordings between 76-80 and it is hokey, trashy fun from start to finish.


  1. What? Eno, Peter Criss, Jobriath, and some guy from The Sweet all in the same band together?

  2. Another favorite of mine, a totally overlooked and fucking bizarre combination of punk and the weird pagan-prog of Black Widow.

  3. flawless album, recommend to everyone - that Black Widow dvd that was recently released is also great

  4. that's the best band name I've read since Marblebog

    I'm totally listening to this

  5. aesop.I posted this one a few months back also, great album. I wish they had made more. Totally original music!

  6. Black Widow put out some progtastic jams. Well I will now listen to this.

  7. Ludicra killed on Saturday. I am so glad I got to see you since I missed your NY show. You are SF's best band. Truly special, amazing fucking metal.

  8. track 8 is coming up as damaged. nice post though.
    --------couch bob

  9. weirdo stuff!

    Hey man, do you have any knowledge of and any records of the band Chrome that you might be able to post?
    I love this blog

  10. More over the top than black widow? I've gotta listen to this. Thanks, never knew about anything anyone from that band did afterwards.
