Thursday, October 8, 2009


Not particularly rare or out of print, but this album has been getting much rotation around my house lately. Not to mention that cover is just so perfect I wanted it to sit here on my site for a few days. You can bitch all you want about how Cosmic Hearse has jumped the shark, but until you make anything remotely as cool as Fatal Portrait, I won't listen.


  1. King Diamond is awesome. Have it, obviously, but this is essential for everyone who have not.

  2. I downloaded this yesterday because I hadnt heard it in ages, then I see it here

  3. This is the only King Diamond solo I own. It's the closest thing to a continuation of the original Fate, not to mention the similar color scheme as Don't Break the Oath which is of course one of the best twin guitar metal albums ever.

  4. i don't see how anyone can't like mercyful fate/king diamond. genius music and storytelling.

  5. My favorite KD record. It's been on many rad trips with me.

  6. Don't feel bad for posting this, King Diamond is awesome. I was listening to don't break the oath this morning so it was like you read my mind.

  7. Yea - no doubt. I like when the Hearse re-visits the classics! The leads on this record are fucking awesome!


  8. There are only a handful of bands that can make four classic records back to back to back to back. This is one of those bands.

  9. king Diamond was the first concert I went to in the 7th grade. I remember my buddy and I got matching shirts...wore 'em the next day(it was dress down day)to our Catholic School...nobody said anything despite us having a t-shirt on with a guy with an upside down cross on his head...Man we thought we were cool.

  10. I meant "road trips", not "rad trips"...but I guess any trip that involves blasting King Diamond is pretty rad.

  11. it's no abigail but it's pretty good.

  12. I don't like King Diamond or MF. A few songs, but that's it. I used to think it was just the vocals that turned me off but soon realized that I didn't give a fuck what the guitars were doing either. I'd take their straightforward "hard rock" demo-material over the albums any day.

  13. I hate the double kick-drumming on this record. i was a huge MF fan as a kid but a little disappointed when this came out. Still it is the best KD record. I'm just not into the late 80's production. Mickey Dee is WAY better in Motorhead by the way.

  14. No shame in posting classicks like this. I'm sure there's many who have yet to hear masterpieces like this. Even myself, after being a MF fate for years, neglected to really delve into KD's back catalogue until a few years ago. Love it!

  15. Nothing wrong with posting a total classic!
    Did you ever hear that BLACK ROSE album?

  16. Yup, a great KD record. All his imagery and storytelling was still a little fluid (only some of the songs tell a story), but its still awesome. I think if the production were better, it would be up there with Abigail and Them. There's a lot of treble on that record.

  17. Any idea where I can find an FP backpatch? I used to see them all the time, but the parents weren't havin' it.
