Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fucking Yaeneura '84

Get your hair fucking charged up, put on your 75 lb. leather jacket and set the fucking controls for Tokyo, Japan 1984, we're checking out fucking Zouo tonight live and in concert. All the punks want to spend loud night, and Zouo, as far as I am concerned, is second only to GISM in the fucking Japanese Hardcore pantheon. Satanic Acid Punk Metal weirdness from the biggest fucking hair guys on the fucking island. You fucking coming or what?


  1. thank you. i'll be there next fucking week!

  2. This is fucking amazing, these fucking bastards of GBH will never have a so fucking hair style

  3. Fuck yeah. This is so fucking perfect. Really love this band and was hoping there was some live stuff out there. Yaneura is such a total fire-death-trap of a club too, even for Tokyo. There is also a live video floating around out there of them playing at some club in Kyoto, too. Thanks a ton Aesop.

  4. If they had put out a bit more......they'd be second to none.....

  5. RUUUUUUULES!!! "Sons of Satan" and "Making Love With the Devil" are some of my favorite HC tunes. What a great record, shame they didn't put out anything else.

  6. "Long-time reader, first time commenter." Thank you epic fuck-tons for this. Zouo's EP is one of many great Japanese HC albums that I could never hope to own. Live set is a major plus.

    Also, thanks for the Comus LP. It's like music for hobbit serial killers.

    You do good work, sir.

  7. I used to play "Making Love with the Devil" on my college radio show.

    You wonder what people think of stuff like this. Perhaps the worst case (or best?) scenario would dope, guns and fucking in the streets!

    Speaking of which.....

  8. Hey Aesop,
    Someone commented on my blog that I should peop yours. Thanks for the hours that I look forward to trolling around here! Love the D & D imagery on the logo. lol.

    Dude, you wanna trade links?

    Got you up already!

    Rich Trash

  9. There appears to be a problem with the "Al Capone" file

  10. btw- Aesop, are you in or connected to Ludicra? Saw you guys this past summer in NYC! Awesome set. There are pics and a show review on my blog- search for Ludicra.

    Thanks for adding the link!


  11. Cyclic redundancy check error on Al Capone

  12. Well, fuck. I just downloaded it and played it fine. I am at a loss as what to do.

  13. fuck yeah! bring it.

  14. To clarify, it got corrupted during the upload. the rar file doesn't unpack.

  15. My Al Capone track is fucked up too oh well. This is the greatest blog on the internet I should comment on more of your downloads. I'd love more japcore live sets.
