Friday, December 4, 2009

Advertisement or Shameless Plug

Ludicra is releasing our fourth album The Tenant in March through the brilliant Profound Lore Records. Click the link below to listen to a track.  Thanks for your time.


  1. Congratulations on the new release!
    Any word on when your older stuff will be reissued on CD?

  2. Hollow Psalms will be released on vinyl very soon. The other 3 releases are still in print as far as I know.

  3. nice...totally playing this on my internets radio show tomorrow night. thx!

  4. oh man, i am so excited that you guys have new material coming out. can't wait until you tour the east coast again. we dig you in philly.

  5. love the production and vibe of the music. I have been having some issues with my monitors is the toms a tad too loud? I'm sure it is on my end. What a fucking random cover to boot. Thank you for the knowledge and the music.

  6. That rock mightily. Looking forward to the whole thing.

  7. Fuck yeah.

    p.s. Any reference to Polanski with the album title?

  8. No, the record has sort of a reoccurring "home" theme.

  9. Great news! I was going to order up a Ludicra tee, but went with an album instead. Hopefully I can catch one of your gigs, but I totally understand if you guys aren't interested in playing L.A. in the near future. This place is for shit, as far as I'm concerned.

    And: Thanks again for all of the amazing albums. The Hearse provides about a third of the music I've been listening to lately.

  10. deep, dark
    structured and eeary, it winds me up, tears me down, pushes me back and is soo effin layered with feelings that its really no wonder you guys's music makes me lose myself and go way to a place that is not only in my heart and in my head, but i realize that it encompases my entire being

    thank you for that

  11. Good stuff. I'll be honest, I wasn't feeling the last album, but I'll definitely check this out.

    And please make Profound Lore make vinyl. I still need to pick up Bloody Panda, Altar of Plague, Portal and Impetuous Ritual. But I ain't buyin' no shiny plastic discs.

  12. Awesome stuff! I forget though, did you guys play this at the Voodoo Lounge show in October? Looking forward to hearing the whole album. Profound Lore is my fave label in the last few years.

    The cover reminds me of some National Geographic photo - like there's some kinda mystery or rather story behind that door.

  13. Yes, we have been playing this song live.

  14. great work! definitely a schooling for the mob of usbm posers.

  15. Great to hear Laurie yowling again. A fine stirring track. Definitely looking fiveward to this!

  16. I just can't fucking wait for this!

  17. thats one of the more interesting and aesthetically pleasing covers ive seen in a long time, song is great too, stoked for the album and to see you guys play again soon

  18. Love the cover art and I'm glad to have the chance to hear some of your music. Which instrument do you play and how much are you involved in the songwriting process? Inquiring Hearse fans want to know!

    Now comes the brutal honesty. I cannot fucking stand vocals that make feel like my throat is sore. There is no genuine feeling in them and I've heard that screechy BM vox technique a million times. Blows me away that anyone bothers anymore.

    Well recorded and some nice changes, but frankly not as adventurous as I expected!

  19. You play this at work so much I don't need to download it. EVER! Actually it's a pretty epic record; Ludicra fans should rejoice.

  20. "Now comes the brutal honesty. I cannot fucking stand vocals that make feel like my throat is sore. There is no genuine feeling in them and I've heard that screechy BM vox technique a million times. Blows me away that anyone bothers anymore."

    ha! i bet this person listens to mastadon.

    i mostly felt compelled to comment because the captcha sez "purest"

  21. Mormon glass cock factoryDecember 7, 2009 at 1:59 AM

    My captcha says "COSSIC" which is also pretty rad.

    As for the track: probably the illest I've heard from Ludicra since the debut LP. Loving how closely the vocals approach Vikernes level in some parts.

    Any plans whatsoever of playing Euroland any time soon?

  22. Nice, I like it a lot. I'll be checking out the album for sure.

  23. great song. keep up the good work

  24. Reminds me of sailing aimlessly on a dark frosty sea... The snare and ride sound very crisp and the mix in general is tasty. Pretty epic. Parts remind me more of the first record than the previous two. Looking forward to hearing the whole thing.

  25. I've been waiting with baited breath for the new album. Thanks so much for this!
