Monday, December 14, 2009


Some moody 4AD-esque post-punk shoegaze from Savage Republic guy, Thom Fuhrmann. Maybe a bit like Joy Division dragged into the '90s. This EP pompously titled Glaciers and Gods was released in 1990, and while I find it a bit heavy-handed, corny, and dated, I still listen to it and enjoy it often. Perhaps it is the brooding teenage girl inside of me.


  1. "Joy Division dragged into the '90s"

    brooding teenage girl inside me said download!

  2. cheers - SR always been one of my top bands

  3. good stuff - i too enjoy this sort of thing often, thanks

  4. the teenage girl in me says thank you much.

  5. Awesome stuff, much appreciated.
    Corny or no, seems to be hitting a chord with me right now

  6. I don't find this corny but it might be due to the fact that I like New Order so much (including their real poppy stuff). I'm also open to the fact that I'm a teenage girl trapped inside a young mans body.

  7. Y'alls inner teenage girls are so much cooler than mine.

    Mine thought this music was total crap, and said MCR was so much better. I hate her. She's so stupid. But don't tell her I said that, she's my best friend, okay?

  8. LOL ya MCR is My Chemical RomancE ru stupid or wut LOL.

    U wudnt no though b/c all u listen to is stupid crap n also ur fat n ugly :)

  9. when i was a teenage boy i was always brooding because i wanted so badly to be inside a brooding teenage girl

  10. I dug this one a lot, thanks.
