Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cryptic Cremation

Here's the sole release of Quebecois Death Metal duders, Cryptic Cremation. Some fairly average stuff with a few standout moments. Released in 1996 Profanation sort of straddles the line between the old and new school approach to Death Metal. Seriously nothing that will change your life or even your mind if you aren't interested in this sort of thing, but definitely not something that should be condemned to obscurity, and check out that cover, it's like Dan Seagrave's less talented little brother drew it.


  1. it's more like seagraves mongloid brother did that cover

  2. Dunno about you, but if his less talented little brother drew that, I'd like to see some of *his* artwork.

  3. Doomstoned (got zostond)February 25, 2010 at 10:11 AM

    Like Derrick Riggs for Iron Maiden, Dan Seagrave gave every band he did artwork for an additional aethetic dimension that served as an interesting dynamic in how we interpretted the music. It's also interesting to note how the bands that have shifted away from this Seagrave aethetic have likewise also become a rather inferior form of their previous selves.

  4. diggers with gratitudeFebruary 25, 2010 at 11:58 AM

    On fire selections lately Cosmic. One of the handful of music blogs worthy of a daily visit. The Flag, one of the best overlooked NWOBHM bands (Tank), Forbidden! Thanks for sharing!

  5. as retarded as cover looks, it's still better than fuckin' 'shopped pieces of shit covers we see today.

  6. It's already condemned to obscurity, probably because it's not that great (seriously, if you say it's not good, it's probably terrible actually). Being pirated by 12 more hipster punk kids with terrible taste who are going to forget all about it by tomorrow when they go on their ADHD-influenced blackened-crust downloading spree isn't going to pull it out of said obscurity.

  7. Matter of taste really. You come off like a hipster deathly afraid of being exposed as one.
