Monday, February 15, 2010

Downtown Noise Punker

Here's a raucous international compilation of noise junkie punk bands who worship in the temple of the Kyushu gods Gai and Confuse and rummage in the dumpster of Britain's Disorder. Pure distorted fun from Chaos Destroy (US), The Wankys (UK), Dead Noise (US), Merciless Game (US), Geranium (Japan), Kamikaze Noise (US), Rukkus (US), and Wank Channel (UK) make this violent party a fucking go.


  1. hell yeah!i love this stuff.thank you Aesop.

  2. look forward to checking this out, thanks

  3. Aesop,

    This comp is one of my all time favs, it has a few of my current favs on it. Chaos Destroy, Merciless Game, Geranium(FUCKING AWESOME), and Kamikaze Noise. Anyway awesome post!


  4. I love this comp. I have Vol. 2 lying around my room somewhere around here. I should listen to it more often. While there's no Kamikaze Noise on it, I can still get my Kamikaze Dan fix with Lotus Fucker


  5. Even by the Hearse's already high standards this last week has been excellent!

  6. on a semi-related note, have you heard the Jigoku Manjyu stuff on shit-fi? I need to go through the rest of the stuff on their jap-noise list but I'm pretty sure this will remain the stand-out.

  7. vol. 3 is due shortly and the bands listed is amazing - lebenden toten, people, stagnation, chaos channel, nekromantiker etc etc etc etc
