Monday, May 17, 2010


One of the best (and generally unknown) '80s hardcore 7"s from the midwest. Mecht Mensch hailed from Madison, Wisconsin and only managed to eke out this hostile little record before some of the members went on to form the more art damaged The Tar Babies. Mecht Mensch, like most hardcore bands, were angry youth taking on the usual culprits with their lyrics, conformity, violence, war, and the subjectivity of truth, oh and zombies, there's zombies too.


  1. Love Mecht Mensch. Along with the Clitboys and The Fix, the best midwest HC band. Perfect recording on this record too, wish a discography would happen....

  2. Mecht Mensch and the Tar Babies rule.

  3. One of my flat mates recently scored this for a few bucks at the Ashby Flea Market, along with some other crazy gems. I had never heard it before, taped it, and was totally hooked. This rips.

  4. They also have one track on the Mystic records 60 Bands: Party or Go Home/Party Animal comp

  5. Always loved this record! Know any blogs where I can find some Tar Babies stuff?

  6. I remember seeing a Sonic Youth interview around the time they put out "Goo" and Thurston said he always wanted to work with Butch since he was in M.M.

  7. thanks for this! heard a few tracks a while ago and really wanted to hear some more

  8. incredible band. psyched you posted this.

  9. they also have a 10 song demo tape and a split tape with the tar babies. everything by this band rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Downloaded this many moons ago from their site. Totally amazing. Also Tar Baby's "no Contest" ruled.

  11. Hells Yah ! This is a bruiser !
