Friday, May 14, 2010


Word on the street is that Mick Barr is some kind of genius. I know he is a guitar player. I watched him get locked out of his van once. Annwn is his bizarre landscape of layered guitars for you to wander in. My girlfriend hates this record, that just makes me love it more.  Also the CD contains several pages of Mick's fucked up doodles, so you should buy one or twenty. Mick won't care if I post this, he seems to not really care about much. I like that about him.


  1. To be fair, the van lockout was entirely my fault.

  2. I fucking LOVE this album! So epic. I too have a girlfriend who is not a fan. She says it makes her feel crazy whenever I have it on in my car.

  3. Fantastic as always. Cheers!

  4. it's great that you've finally come back. hope everything was fine on tour. gonna listen to this one soon, love from milan.

  5. Jesus what a nightmare. I imagine this as the soundtrack to an ultra-stressful 8-bit Nintendo game that made kids' heads explode, Season of the Witch style. Can't wait to annoy my girlfriend with this.

  6. 100% love for Mick Barr!

  7. This is fuckin' Awesome! Thanks Aesop! It's like a geeked out metal version of a Steve Reich album. I love this kind of stuff.

  8. Amazing. I checked out his collaboration with the Lightning Bolt drummer Zach Hill (Shred Earthship) awhile back but couldn't really get into it. Both amazing musicians though. This one is sounding great so far!

  9. winrar says that track 3's corrupt, could you reupload this?

  10. I'm also having trouble with track 3. Great album though, thanks for sharing!

  11. Everyone is Krallice is genius. Those guys are amazing. Goin to Boston next week to see em for the third time.

  12. I bought this just two days before I saw this post.

  13. I dragged a friend of mine along with me to an Orthrelm show once. No more than 30 seconds after they started he couldn't take it and disappeared. Afterwards, all all he had to say was: "That music made me feel like I was on drugs." Exactly.

  14. this album is cool. we play it on our radio show sometimes actually, because I found it here. WE do that with a lot of your music. Thanks.

  15. Track 3 is dead. Thanks tho'

  16. Can we possibly get a re-up of this one?? Thanks!!
