Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Little Princess

Cute Japanese girls playing power violence? Yeah, it's easy to understand why in the '90s we all went gushy fanboy shitfinger for this band. They later formed the equally adorable Geri Live.


  1. More please.

    Allegro Fortissimo, indeed!

  2. wow - Aesop goes deep!!
    LITTLE PRINCESS took the whole city by storm, I think I will put the single on before work today.

  3. cool man,i heard these chicks on a single that came with a magazine in the 90's. i'll have to find that and post it! over at http://sluggisha.blogspot.com
    hey,also ,i'm putting together an anti-BP compilation,if anyone out there wants to contribute music to it,let me know at a comment box on my blog,thanks all -G O D

  4. ...this surely brings back memories. Thanks.

  5. don't tell nobody!July 13, 2010 at 5:22 PM

    I saved it to the desktop!

    -Sporty Spice-

  6. nice one! amazing to see live. Thanks for this

  7. W0w! thnx for this Ace!! I loved them!! <3

  8. great! did the mutations of this band record?

  9. Thanks for posting this, Aesop! I saw them a couple of times. "Let's go to America for summer vacation, make a grind band, and break up in time to go back to college in Japan" "OK done deal!" . . . they were pretty heavy, but the drummer couldn't play for shit. Also they always had that Chris Farley-without-teeth-lookin' ass guy lurking in the background. What was up with that?

    Also: the captcha for this comment: DEROCK.

  10. wasn't a member in Better Than Your Hand as well?

  11. can someone set me up with that ep they did ? lucky enough to see geri live play....
    rudolf.everts at gmail com

  12. Thanks,the cover is reason enough to listen to this record.

  13. The time I saw them they had interpretive dancers in body suits.
