Saturday, July 31, 2010


Ruth was a strong contender for the title of best thing about the BIPPP comp posted some time back, so I thought my dear readers would enjoy hearing more from this early French synth wave trio of Thierry Muller, Phillipe Doray, and Ruth Ellyeri. Their LP Polaroid/Roman/Photo contains some hook-laden, ultra-cold, future-of-the -80s pop muzik filtered through the French psyche, especially the title track, which may well be one of the greatest songs of the decade. Some questionable bits along the way ("Mabelle") but the album closes with the epic "Tu M'ennuies," and you feel sated.


  1. Listening to that compilation was my first time hearing any of those artists. Visible actually caught my attention most, but I'm definitely gonna give this a swing.

  2. Keen to hear this. Have enjoyed what I've heard of Ilitch so far. Ta!

  3. Ha, you might be right about that title track.

  4. I bought the comp on vinyl per your rec. Thanks for that, I'm loving it. I'll be sure to get this Ruth, too.
