Sunday, July 11, 2010

Vinter Nebulah

Here's an extremely rare (150 copies) tape release from an obscure Quebecois raw Black Metal band who operated briefly under the name of Vinter Nebulah. The band was made up of Maurbyd and Obfaust (of Chants de Guerre.) While Chants de Guerre have an obvious fixation on National Socialism, Vinter Nebulah were not a political band. They preferred to write about forests, the majesty of the nightsky, and winter's biting cold.


  1. Hallo! Thank you for all this coolness!
    Since it's summer and time for some ROAD TRIPS... 'you got any audio books you could throw at us? \m/

  2. Wow, another great obscure nsbm tape, with a dark, creepy ambiance. This made my weekend. Thanks Aesop!

    -the anonymous jew

  3. Fuck yea! The best download of the day by far! Enjoying it now. Right on for the download hookup thanks for lookin' out for us like that.

  4. still appreciating this. very thankful for it
