Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jast Last

Jast Last was the second and better EP of Japanese hardcore gods LSD. The band bears some of the trappings of the genre and locale: harsh vocals, flirtations with metal, and fuzzed out guitars, but something about LSD is a bit more subdued than Confuse, GISM, or Gai. They aren't particularly fast, and the intro to "Karen Nash" could actually be deemed pretty. This diversity and bravado make Jast Last a thoroughly satisfying listen, even over the course of a mere ten minutes. Essential Japanoise Punk.


  1. well jeez, whattabout the first and worser one?...thanks for the stuff

  2. wow, thanks for posting this. This is making my day already.

  3. Schizophrenia records in Canaduh released an LSD discography lp a few years back that should be relatively easy to find..

  4. esta bien chingon este disco, mas la de jast last, que oi cuando estaba bajoneado luego de presenciar que una vieja que me latia parchaba con su wey en una fiesta :( y pus acaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  5. LSD tends to get lost in the shuffle for some reason. Really too bad, since they wrote some great songs. Thanks for this one.

  6. This is awesome ! Do you have the discography CD by chance ? I need more!!

  7. humansoffplanetearthSeptember 4, 2010 at 1:33 PM

    does anyone know anything about the singer (achy)('s) other bands, supposivily like power electronics or something?!?!
