Saturday, August 21, 2010


Troubled is an apt title for what you are about to hear. Were the New Creation a band of smiling hippies with guitars and tambourines, and most importantly, a message of salvation and eternal love, or were they a nefarious cult of acid-eating weirdos bent on twisting the gospel to serve their own hedonistic freaklust, or was this merely some awkward piece of evangelism targeting a hip young generation of flower children? Whatever they were, they were fucking creepy, and this fucked up record that sounds like The Shaggs meets The Velvet Underground is unbelievable. For instance, the song "Dig" is an upbeat little ditty denying evolution. On the track "Sodom and Gomorrah" the New Creation cheerfully sing about the sins of premarital sex and the end of the world, "You have been warned." The New Creation kids might seem nice enough when they give you a ride in their van and offer you a meal back at their ranch. One of their flaxen-haired maidens may even catch your eye, but don't take the bait, once the sun goes down and you are even farther from home, their faces distort and their shambling mirthful songs become twisted commands to see the nonbeliever torn asunder. These fucking hippies make the Manson family seem like the Rotary Club. Run for your fucking life.


  1. Another stellar write-up! Interested to hear just how creepy this thing really is.

  2. i actually like it.

  3. Fine writing again. Very inspiring. I won't dare to listen to this though, it's too frightening. Thank you.

  4. This is beyond insane. It is incredible the nonsense some people will come up with, me included. I'm just glad that I do not hold any of those crazy beliefs.

  5. That first track rules with the religious quotes and the sound of war in the background. I want some of what they were smoking! Found Halloween III soundtrack last night on interweb tubes this goes nicely with that. Thanky!

  6. >These fucking hippies make the Manson family seem like the Rotary Club. Run for your fucking life.

    well this sounds like something that is relevant to my interests. thanks...

    have you checked out sabbath assembly


  7. ugh, i need a shower. UNCLEAN UNCLEAN UNCLEAN!!!!!

  8. ok so i know i already commented, but that was before i drew the curtains, did a number, and sat transfixed by this fucking album. fucking soul crushing justice sounds by mutant lords of eccentricity. thank you, my dude, thank you.

    some dude "the westmonger"

  9. The people who did a re-issue of this album (show and tell?) are sitting on an LP by a guy named Stan Hubbs from 80 or so that they claim is getting re-issued soon, I'm very intrigued by the Myspace:

  10. one of the only things I like about religion is shit like this.

  11. My jaded sensebilities require something like this, so I'm downloading it now.

    To anyone interested, here is where to download the creepy soundtrack to Halloween III.

  12. oh man. I came to this blog for black metal... but thanks to my Evangelical up-bringing I have a total weakness for this sort of twisted religious fuckery. THANK YOU.
